Positive Vibration Between Harry Potter and Dudley

Enjoy a good story with children when they are on a long vacation at home would be the happiest time parents could spend with their kids, adding the value in telling kids how positive energy vibrates to influence and change negativities makes it even better.

Chapter 3 of book seven:

“I don’t think you’re a waste of space.”
If Harry had not seen Dudley’s lips move, he might not have believed it…
“Well, … er … , thanks, Dudley.”

“… You saved my life.”
“Not really,” said Harry, “It was your soul the Dementor would have taken…”


Three Realms of Practice

In the impetuous world, the three realms of #practice are the principles of life:

#Endurance: is a kind of vision, mind, understanding, life skills, or wisdom of rules. It sometimes appears to be a sign of cowardice but in fact the strongest “coat”. Knowing how to endure is in order not to endure.

#Perseverance: get and continuously hold on, never give up. It is like the life-bouncing capability of grass and trees. Human has only two hands, to get new, first, let go. Empty the cup so as to fill in new. The holding purpose is the realm of choice.

#Enlightenment: the inner practice of constantly improving the mind; also a kind of introspection and self-discipline.

– Wearing a mask too long, it will grow on your face. When peeling it off, you will have to break the bones and skin.
– When pointing one finger at others, don’t forget that three fingers are pointing back right at yourself.
– Pausing down is to collect energy for a long journey.
– Only by giving can you be given; Only by leave-to-go can you get; Only by forget can you gain peace; Only by tolerance can you gain freedom.

#COVID19 cannot beat you. You are the master of yourself.

Be your authentic self. Stay positive, and Show #kindness.🌞❤️☕

#ldnon#upliftusall 20200316



While enjoying an energy feast yesterday, my mind slipped away when fetched with the words ADAPT and PUSH. It wildly flashed away onto how the 4th industrial revolution is approaching while this fast-paced digital age sweeping over the globe.

My intuition raised a question to my inner: what has been the core in driving all the industry revolutions? My subconscious mind quickly scanned through my brain and answer: money!

Am I right? Instead of the revolutionary upgrade of #energy carrier from coal to oil to electric to the Internet, pursuing the maximum benefits through #investments has been the root force throughout centuries, as a well-known business secret.

With the lead time for each new revolution’s taking place getting shorter, inversely, the energy level of each energy carrier has been exponentially amplificated.

Internet carries enormous energy, also brings enormous impact on businesses. Businesses who proactively embrace digital transformation obviously are standing at the crest of the tide in this new ecosystem.

How about MONEY? How is it ADAPTing to the 4th revolution as the root force? How should we PUSH it?

We must be creative and lean into the future.

Good morning, my dear friends! 🌈☕❤️20200311


Are you Climbing the Correct Mountain?

People are climbing mountains. It is natural that people are climbing, right or wrong, one by one, spending decades reaching high, conquering themselves, viewing the sceneries all the way along, gazing out the landscape underneath…

But I enjoy being water, I have to flow lower and lower, from among the mountains, forests, lawns, ponds, streams, creeks, falls, cities, rivers, into the sea.

I flow into the sea where I disappear and last forever. I love and receive energy from the sun. It touches me and warms me. It raises me up into the sky. It gives me rebirth. It gives me the wing to fly.

I moisten the air, soils, and grounds; I water grasses, trees, and forests; I wash stones, cliffs, hills, mountains, and hearts; I nurture creatures, lives, and generations. I flow into them without their notice. I became part of them and I benefit them.

Eyes prefer to look upward, they do not see me, they can only listen to me, listen to me by closing their eyes.

When I tender a new life, when I create, when a seed grows, it has to be quiet. This is the power of silence. This is my world of joy and peace.

I will flow. How’s your life without me?

Good Morning, my friends!🍵💧💧💧


道德经Chapter43: The softest thing in the world overcomes the hardest

“Tao Te Ching/Lao Tzu” – Chapter 43: 天下之至柔,驰骋天下之至坚。

Water is the softest and weakest while benefiting and embracing the whole world, but how can it be defeated? The sharpest knife can take lives, cut steel, but never able to cut water apart.

Stones are strong, but consistent drops of water wear holes in the stone.

The tide rises and falls, the stones become the pebbles.

Steel against steel, the result has to be lose-lose.

While the fast-moving wheels need to break down, we use very soft brake pads.

In daily life and business, the #principle is the same: #Perseverance leads to success, as it enables the practice in achieving a huge return on a very small investment; a big payoff from a small effort.

Human hearts could be our softest gifts from the universe. And those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

Stay positive. Smart your investment and win.

I Love Data!

Recently, I was asked for times: what do you do?

Instead of directly answer the question, I chose to explain what I did:

I worked in areas including IT, technology, factory, manufacture, sales&marketing, supply chain, customer service, management, international education, youth mentoring, global nursing service project planning …, I also teach yoga. 🤗💪

Among all my expertise, with endless enthusiasm in pursuing innovation and creativity, I love DATA.

Data is one of my most powerful weapons. My time spent playing in the endless powerful database, processing data to tell stories, shaping data to promote business paid me back with great achievements.

Once I tell a CIO, “Database is the nervous system of a business”.

Data-driven Decision Making is what I think is a solid foundation of success for businesses when they are transforming within the new digital age.

The world is in the flow of becoming digitalized. Data are everywhere, even when we don’t like it when we think it carries too much of our privacy and refuses to use it, the fact is, they are being used. If not by us, then by somebody else.

Using data wisely would absolutely increase our awareness, productivity, efficiency, and creativity.

Stay positive in using data. ☕🌹
