够: Enough💡

This character 够 stands for enough. It contains two simple characters:
句: Sentence; and 多: Many, much, rest.

Ancients used this character “够”-enough to remind us: enough is enough, no more, no less. But, with one more “句“-sentence, it is too much.

It is the art of speaking and also the art of being a wise person: going too far is as bad as not going far enough.

Too much humility becomes hypocrisy; too much self-confidence becomes arrogance; too much principle becomes rigid; too much openness becomes indulgence…

In “Dao De Jing” chapter 9, Lao Zi tells us: When you should move forward, move forward decisively, but retreat without hesitation when it is time to retreat. When it’s time to show yourself, perform boldly, but keeping low when it is not your showtime.

Enough means knowing the boundaries and practices with self discipline.

Grasp the chance to advance or retreat at the right time and the right place. Be the master of your life.

Stay wise.

Good morning, my good friends!💧💧💧☕



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